Monday, September 28, 2015

My new favorite bird

I've always loved the roadrunner, the woodpecker (all kinds) and the cardinal.  But recently, the hummingbird has taken my fancy.  We have a feeder just outside the window by the kitchen table.  I sit here when I'm on the computer.  I've been watching several hummingbirds all summer, but lately, we've only had one.  The feathers look unkempt and muted in color.  I think this one is trying to fatten up before the long journey to warmer climates.  Some days, the pesky wasps scare off the bird by ganging up on him.  My favorite being bothered by my least favorite of all.  

I can feel fall descending upon us.  Gray skies, cooler temperatures.  Perhaps, that's the reason for my melancholy today.  My husband's father was here the past weekend and we had a lovely time.  Maybe the let-down from having company is responsible, too.  

One thing that cheers me up for sure is travel and planning travel.  I *hope* to make it to Portugal Saturday.  My friend is flying there from France and since I'm back at the airport, I'm going standby.  I'm anxious and excited and hoping the shift trade gets approved so I can fly out Friday night.  I've never been to Portugal but have only heard great things about it.  Fingers crossed.

Yes, I'm working again at the airport.  It's for a different company and a different manager.  She's great, my age and very fair.  She'll thank me as she's heading out for the day and I thank her for being a reasonable boss.  She knows the other guy I used to work for, so she knows it's a real compliment.  

I don't know why, but I really like the airline industry.  The pay is horribly low and I don't know how people really make a go at it.  If my husband didn't have a great job, I would be looking for something else--I would have to.  The health care field is all but nil in this town.  No nuclear med jobs to think of.  A clinic had an opening maybe 6 months ago and I didn't even get an interview.  I've all but given up on getting back into the lucrative field.  Some days I miss it, others not so much.  I still volunteer at the free medical clinic in town and it's gratifying.  But...I'm conflicted.  I feel like I need a break, but feel guilty for feeling that way.  

I'm going to try to blog more often now.  The kids are both in middle school and God knows I've got time on my hands.

Thanks for reading.


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