Monday, April 28, 2008

what's been on my mind...

Lately, I have been fixated on 'what next' once Clayton is in kindergarten. I have about 18 months before that takes place, but I can't seem to get it off my mind. Right now, I work as needed at the hospital but once both kids are in school full-time, I am going to need something to do on a permanent basis. And it doesn't look like there will be anything coming up in my field. I have always entertained the idea of being in the pharmaceutical sales profession, but I lack outside sales experience. I do know that I am strong in hard science, but lacking in business courses. I've heard that what you don't know in sales, they will teach you. I am a fast learner and I do like a challenge. So, that is what's been on my mind. And I must say I feel a little out of touch. I have been living in the 'mother bubble' the last 5 years. You know, everything is based on your kids' schedules. That's not the real world for most. And, while I like some of it, I find that it is not fulfilling. I know I can do more and I want to be out there. If I don't get a job, I will definitely volunteer at a local medical clinic that offers free medical care for the uninsured and under-insured. There are some jobs right now in the area in sales so I am going to start working on Cover letters. Wish me luck. Who knows, it could take me 18 months to find something.


Cheryl Wray said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel!! Sydney will go to kindergarten not next year, but the next (she and Clayton are the same age, I think!). Even though I do freelance writing work, I'm really batting around with whether to go back to work, maybe do some substituting, or what. I definitely want to get back "out" there somehow.

Auburn Kat said...

Good luck! You never know unless you try!!!

I think it's a good thing that you did stay home with your kids though, you can never have those years back.

Char said...

You're a clever lady. You'll be able to succeed at whatever you set your mind on! Go for it, Kelly! Fortunately you still have *some* time to decide...

Thomas said...

What are your plans for kindergarten? My 3-year old niece came up to me the other day to ask me what kindergarten is.