Monday, April 21, 2008

Me? A ballet mom?

Ahhhhhh. Spring is in the air. The sun is hot and the air is fresh. Tee-ball leagues are starting up as are the soccer leagues.

Last Thursday, Kendall went home with a little friend after school. The friend then had tee-ball practice at 6 pm, so I met the girls and the other mom at the park. I love being at a softball/tee-ball practice. It always makes me think back to my summers as a kid and all I did was play outside. Or swim. Or play softball. I was cheering on Kendall's friend as she would hit the ball off the tee. "What do you think, Kendall?" "Would you want to play tee-ball like Grace?" No answer. Kendall just wasn't into it. It hit me-- -my daughter is not like me. Oh sure, I loved Barbies as a kid, but I also played with Matchbox cars in the front yard with the neighbor boy. She doesn't love running and kicking balls or hitting balls or getting dirty. She is not a tom-boy.

I decided I need to stop wishing that she loved the outdoor rough-and-tumble sports that I loved as a child. And I have to admit I do know what she likes. I've known it for some time but I never saw myself as one of those kind of moms. I do know she likes to sing---that is something that I love to do. But for grins I asked her if she had a choice between playing soccer, playing tee-ball or taking ballet, which one would she pick. Without hesitation she said "Ballet." Oh boy. So, I've decided to look into it and if that is what she wants to try, then I will put on my happy face and be her biggest cheerleader.


Trish said...

Aww, that's so cool! You'll be an awesome ballet mom!

Auburn Kat said...

My sister and I were both tomboys, my cousin however was a ballet dancer and still is. I think its just important for her to to be involved in stuff!

Katrin said...

I can relate. I don't have a daughter or anything, but I can just imagine my impatience with a girly-girl. :)

Cheryl Wray said...

LOL! I love it, and I can TOTALLY relate to what you're feeling!!!

Delaney, of course, is our major athlete and because I love sports..I just LOVE it!!! (although I never was athletic as a child).

But you should see the JOY Sydney has in going to dance class. You definitely need to look into classes for Kendall. She would love it!!

Char said...

Oh, I also always wanted to ballet... just as well I didn't though, because I've turned into a bit of a hippo. And who wants to see a hippo (or a walrus) prancing around on stage, right? hehe!

Diane said...

I was never much of a tomboy either - I only got into sports as an adult.