Lately I've had this restless feeling inside regarding being a homemaker. Frankly, I'm a reluctant homemaker but I'm starting to think it's what I'm going to be forever. So, I've been thinking of a career change. You see, as a nuclear medicine technologist, there just isn't a lot of job opportunity in a small community. The local hospital employs 3 full time techs but could probably get by with two full time techs and one part time tech. The techs are all great to work with but it's not the most progressive hospital. Which means the nuclear med department doesn't do a whole lot of interesting things. I still love working when I get the chance, however. I love using my knowledge about nuclear medicine and I love patient care. I can't explain it, but helping others is definitely my calling. Oh, the curse of being an extrovert. Anyhoo--I do love working and I think it's because I need the people fix. Oh, back to the career change.
Penn State (the Altoona campus) offers a second degree option in nursing. Yes, nursing. I was a nursing major before I switched to Nuc med. The program is a 16 month program and when you get out, you are an RN. I've been thinking of going for this lately. I think I have most prerequisites for the program but the commitment of full time school with a husband and two kids seems a little scary to me. I'm struggling with not working, though. I think if I did this, I would have a chance of getting some regular work, either as a nurse or in some capacity where a nursing degree would allow me to do the job. And it's not about the money. Sure, I love getting paid. Who doesn't? And another paycheck would help Pete realize his dream of owning land and having a winery some day. But, I don't want to be full time. Ugh. Enough of this. You get the picture.
So today I made lemon cake. This cake is probably one of the tastiest desserts I make. It's an Ina Garten recipe, of course. The house smelled so good and I was blaring my iPod while I baked and did laundry.
I've been running lately. Last Friday, I ran a 5K race in 33 min 10 seconds. I've been running over the winter, but this was my first race in a looooonnnnggg time. Since last Friday, I've kept up the running and can tell I'm building up my endurance. It's great to be interested in running again. I really want to lose the extra weight I put on around the middle this last year. Sigh.
So, that's what I've been up to around here. Not much and then again, enough!
Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really.
-Agnes Sligh Turnbull
So sorry about your Cody.
Thanks, Beth.
Sorry to hear about your dog, it must be very hard to say goodbye...
I can understand your job feelings, if I were you, I'd just do it and get that degree. 16 months is an ok period of time for a degree.
Lately I am so into anything with lemon! I made a lemon-yogurt cake with mascarpone icing last weekend, it was heavenly!!! But I'm definitely trying that recipe very soon. :)
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