Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Potty-training disasters...

My son is old enough to be potty-trained, however, he is still having some accidents. But, for the most part, the going #1 is successful so I don't even monitor him in the bathroom. Evidently, he uses a lot of toilet paper. Today, he flushed and started yelling for me to come to the bathroom. I entered the bathroom to discover that the water had overflowed and a bunch of TP was swirling around in the bowl. Oh crap! I quickly turned the water off and started sopping up the water with some old towels that we keep down stairs. Of course, I grabbed the TP and put it in the trash and used the old, handy, dandy plunger. Relief, (no pun intended), and the water went down. While I was doing all of this, I asked Clayton if he would run upstairs and get some more towels. I asked for two towels. He obliged and hurried on upstairs. A minute or two later he returned with the two towels. In each hand he had a strip of toilet paper consisting of a couple of squares each.


NY KAT said...

That's so cute...not the toilet incident, but the two sheets of toilet paper!

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

But Moooom you didn't say what kind....hehe Kids are so funny.

Thanks for stopping by :)