Thursday, May 29, 2008

I can't even think of a title...

I think I am feeling overwhelmed or something. For the last few weeks, I have felt this underlying current of "grumpiness" in my soul. I can't think of any one thing that is eating at me and I can't shake it. I do know that for the last 3 weeks I have not felt 100% due to having a bad cold, allergies, lack of sleep, sick kids. The list goes on. Perhaps that is what is getting me. Or could it be that the season is changing and I'm not ready? End of kindergarten for Kendall, start of summer, high gas prices before we head on our two day journey to Arkansas by car, new puppy coming in August. I just don't know. I do know that I am no fun to be around right now.


Auburn Kat said...

I hate when I get in slumps like that. A lot of times I don't even know why I get into them but I do then one day I'll just snap out of it. If you need to vent or talk or anything shoot me an email!

Katrin said...

I just learned from a friend that she was in such a mood and then found out she was not getting enough B vitamins . It's in dairy, wholewheat, meats etc. If you had a lot of stress, eat this: bananas, nuts, dried fruit, apricots; add some vitamin C and magnesium to your diet.

Trish said...

I get like that sometimes too. Hope you feel better!