Saturday, March 03, 2007

Girl Scout cookies are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, I didn't bake them, but I love to eat them. They take me back to when I was in second grade and I was a Brownie. I sold cookies until sixth grade. During my sixth grade year, our school principal held a contest to see who could sell the most cookies. The winner from each class would get to do something very special. Well, I remember this because I was the winner from sixth grade. In my state, Girl Scout Cookies were delivered just before Valentine's Day. This particular year the scouts that sold the most got to deliver homemade valentines to the patients at the local Veterans Hospital. Our elementary school made homemade valentines. What a treat to miss school and go on a field trip. But, the best part was seeing the joy in the patients' faces. Every year, I think I have bought enough until I open the first box. I always get Thin Mint and Peanut Butter Patties. Let's just say, that I am already planning on buying more.

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