OK, I can be opinionated sometimes...
This is not a political blog, but occasionally, I will post something that has to do with what's going on up at the hill. Today, I was listening to NPR when I heard that Sotomayor was confirmed for the Supreme Court. I'll be honest, I haven't kept up with her credentials or anything, so I don't have an opinion whether or not she's qualified. Plus, I'm not a lawyer so what the heck do I really know about law? Anyhoo, I can't believe that only one Republican senator confirmed Sotomayor. That is shameful. Only one broke with party lines and it was Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina. I get so sick of the politicians that I could scream. I'm sick of the partisan politics. It's time they work together. And the party wonders why people are leaving. Hello? You act like a bunch of toddlers up there all trying to get your way and forgetting why you are there! Grow up! Please don't make me register as a Democrat! Come on, Republicans in Washington. It's time to represent most of the people in your party and not the way too far conservative. OK, moving on.
You know that my kids are taking private swim lessons right now. Well, I'm so proud of both of them, but Kendall really took the cake today. She finally has got it. She was swimming and swimming and floating and treading. It was great. Clayton is still trying to put things together. He likes to splash. OK, it's not that efficient, but I'm sure he hasn't figured that out yet.
And tonight, I made a peach cobbler for dessert. It was pretty darn good, if I have to say so myself. I think this is one of my faves when it comes to dessert. I like it with some vanilla ice cream. Oh, and I bought some new dishes while I was in DC this past weekend. I just love IKEA and wish there was one in my town. Anyway, I got plain white dishes and I just love them. Yep, I'm in love with my new dishes.
I made a Caprese salad and I thought it looked so beautiful with the white plate. Traditionally, it is with red tomatoes but I thought the orange tomatoes were pretty. The salad has the colors of the Italian flag when you use red tomatoes. (Red, white, green).
Happy evening, y'all!
I always told you you were a female version of my husband - he stopped at Ikea one time and bought us white plates from there!!
And I recall Bob saying one time, "Presentation is everything."
Loving the salad!
We are eating one like it about every other day, as I have so much basil in the garden. I have to buy the tomatos at the market, though. I can't seem to grow them up where we live...
Congrats on the swimming progress!
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