Sunday, January 27, 2008

Just call me stupid...

Woohoo! I ran on the treadmill tonight. And, duh, until Friday, I have always controlled the speed and incline manually. I did not know how to use the "Certified Trainer Programs". Yep, that's right. First of all, in the 5 years that I have owned this treadmill, it never occurred to me to do anything else but the manual controls. But, on Friday, my husband suggested I use the certified blah blah program. And, so today I did. I am on my way to being in shape for that bikini in Rio. Oh, don't worry, I won't be mistaken for a Brazilian. I am still very pale, have a pixie haircut, and the body of someone that doesn't exercise regularly. But, I hope I don't repulse anyone when I am out there on the beach. I just want to lose about 5 pounds or at least have my clothes fit me a little better. And what better impetus, than a trip to the beach?

1 comment:

Auburn Kat said...

First of all you look great already! Second of all, I love the interval training on treadmills!