Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Missed the boat

I think I have missed the boat on potty training the little guy. He's over 3, so, duh. He demands a pull up. He is starting preschool in a couple of weeks, so I am tempted to send him 'cold turkey' and let the peer pressure do it. Copping out, you say? Perhaps. It seems like the summer would have been the perfect time, but we have been gone so much and there hasn't been a chance to establish a nice routine. Excuses, you say? Perhaps. All I know, is that I am tired of keeping track of the bathroom habits of small children! I'm not wishing my life (or theirs) away, just wishing to get over this last hump. Patience is a virtue. Therein lies the problem...

1 comment:

NY KAT said...

I'm sure I would be feeling the same exact way you are!