Sunday, October 07, 2007

Ni hao and hola!

Tomorrow, Kendall starts a new school. We received a phone call last week from a *charter school in town that requires all their students to learn Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. We had applied last January, but Kendall didn't get in this year at the beginning of the school year. So, I started to get involved in our local elementary and even went to the volunteer meeting. Kendall enjoyed riding the bus and even buying her lunch at school. All was well, and we were adjusting to our new life. Then came the phone call. My heart sank. I was beginning to feel as if I was part of a wonderful community. Kendall had friends and I was meeting new parents. But, my husband and I felt like this school was going to be a great fit for our girl. The school originally called to say that she was moving close to the top of the waiting list and that we needed to call by 6 pm if we were still interested. Of course, I called. Wednesday morning the school's vice principal called to say that no one else called and the spot was ours for the taking. Kendall is very excited about her new school. I hope it does not disappoint. No more bus rides, no more lunch trays (this school does not provide this). We took Kendall in to meet her new teacher and she participated in an activity with her future classmates. She seemed to love it and the class did seem to be a good fit.

The scary thing about kids is that you never know if you did the right thing until later on down the road. I hope this is the right thing.

*a charter school is a public school with a mission. This school is a multi-cultural school that teaches from a global perspective.

1 comment:

NY KAT said...

Hi, I'm back!

I think it's a great idea that you are sending here there! The school sounds wonderful! i also wouldn't worry about pulling her out of the other school, it would be one thing if she was older and had a lot of friends, etc. but she is just starting.