Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Day of School...

Today was Kendall's first day of kindergarten and Clayton's first day of preschool. Kendall woke up early and was very excited. She rode the bus with some neighbor boys and looked really small getting onto the bus. I think she had a great day. She talked about it a little bit...played outside, went to the gym, ate lunch, etc. You get the idea.

Clayton was a little less excited about the day but once we got there, he was ready. On the way in to town, he told me he wanted to go to mommy's house. I explained to him that it was a school day and he was going to school.

Here is the 'big girl' getting on the bus

She looks so small in the bus. Seeing the bus drive away was like, "Is that it?" She's gone!
And here is Clayton (aka Stinker):
And here is Kendall at the end of the day:

So, what did I do for 2.5 hours this morning? I went to Walmart by myself and then made it home in time to run on the treadmill for 20 min! Yeah! It felt great! Now, I hope I keep up the exercise. I do hope to clean out some closets (much overdue) and catch up on my reading.


NY KAT said...

Awww! Cute pictures! I can still remember my first day of school, I was scared to death!! Luckily my older sister showed me the ropes.

Char said...

Keeeeellllllllyyyyyyy... :o) I can't even BEGIN to tell you how great it's been to sit down and catch up on your blog posts. I'm in Durban for the weekend, which basically means I'm in cyber-HEAVEN! :o) So nice to be able to read your goings-ons. :o) I'm going to sleep with a huge grin on my face tonight! Love your pics by the by. Your little girl is TOO CUTE!

Kelly said...

nykat--thanks! Kendall had her neighbors along so that seemed to help.

char--I'm so glad this made you smile!

Trish said...

Wonderful picures!

That had to be tough seeing her get on the bus. Mine doesn't start for 3 more years, and already the thought of sending her out into this world makes me break into a cold sweat.